A perfect rest

If I can wash my-
self there is no need to take a
bathe for I am clean

if I will cloak my soul
there is no need to cloak my
body for I am not nude

being years I saw my
tears it drops when writing this
a happy moment

if I can count the
blood flowing inside me I
will stop it before

death do to live for-
ever as stars in the sky
weaving the still night

if I know today
i will breath my last breathe I
will dig my grave and

lie still in my coffin
as I close my eyes and
awaits an element

worthy of my interment
to set my soul free
from its prison yard

as I walk into
the serene courtyard of silence
as I rest on
(c) Martin Ijir 2018

A peep into the void

A peep into the void
I see you lizzy calling my name
Reminiscing old times

A perfect smile breaks the long silence
I wish nothing but your soul rejoice
For it is free from earthly prejudice
A liberation that lies in your body as hope

I dont want you back in this sepulchre
Where love fades the beauty of your smile
I want you to rest under the canopy of peace
Where eternal flames burn steadily as you play

Those old times fades, for new you lives
It’s a trance to those lock in the scene
For me is reality that lives in us
As raw wound waiting for its healer

I wouldn’t miss you, i wouldn’t miss you
For i see you on mirror of my heart
It breaks, it mend, we die to live
forever in garden of love
(c) Martin Ijir 2018