Gimmick deceptions

Some few men sailed with Columbus nosetruth, pandemic, deception, enough is enough
This time an American covert dealings 
aimed to discover coronary that will make 
Their gourds to filled with euros, yens & mighty dollars
The pounds of the flesh used in the Wuhan laboratory 
Is raw with climate change temperature, aiming to wipe 
humanity’s love, peace and sorrow 
a new genome that will wipe out Africa & third world countries 
Mistakenly they forgot that tropics boils the sun 
Our ebony skin is full of softies so is the softies of our ebony blood 
Some few men sailed across the Wuhan wall 
In icing igloo faced hoodwinked covid 19 was created 
These same men possessed the cure 
When their safe is filled up, cure will come 
They hinder social life and shutdown economies 
These few men have a bunker of raw stash, living in isolation 
Giving termites their loaf of share, and human loaves of covid 19 
They provide humanitarian service as charity 
How could charity works when there is no pandemic? 
How will donor give willingly when the have-nots are not in IDP’s camp?
Luckily enough, covid 19 is meant for the rich 
Soon a cure will come, million of dollars already spreads 
These same men will donate their resources in gimmick deception 
To lure many into their eeries of silence 
I am hiding in my room afraid to be victimized
Though weeping knocks at night, joy opens the door at day
When you see these men mauled them with fangs of laughter
(c) 2020 Martin Ijir

Seized tears

These blizzards wreak the songs of togetherness
through the night all sounds are unheard
but the songs of the razing fire thatch I felt
the noise of the striking axes passing through deathless
spirits, bumping flies that missed their path
I can hear the songs of agony,
render by their sleeping spirit
beclouding the lids of my eyes, my hands
shivers as a stroke of canvass spited on my heart,
an unbearable cloud passing its enchanting chasm
so much pain, seized tears paints the picture of my frame.
(c) 2020 Martin Ijir

Unveiling of Eeries of Silence

Today, I unveiled the dust from “Eeries of Silence”, it has been a tremendous task. So glad to work with able souls with telemagnetic rays. Many thanks to Dr. Anwer Ghani Jaber, Dr. Pragya Suman, Jerry Langdon, Roman Muscheidt, Sher Chandley, Umar Yogiza Jr., etc for being part of my tavern. I would state that the journey towards the unveiling just began… limited copies will be ready soon. For booking and reservation of copy (s), kindly indicate at the comment section below or private message me. Thank you!MARTIN um

Review of Eeries of Silence: Stylistic Expressionism in Martin’s Poetry

Expressionism in art in its clearest sense is a unique stylistic feature and distinctive color. Stylistic expression is the mother of all contemporary artistic trends. In revolutionary visions, issues, and objections, this is the moral expression. Although expressiveness exists in art, the dominance of moral expression and its manifestation is clear, and although stylistic expression is found in literature, the dominant aspect is the emergence of its moral dimension.

Martin Ijir is a Nigerian poet with extensive literary experience, through which he was able to combine originality and innovation in style in his writings, which is very difficult, and he brought us objectionary, revolutionary, and unique literature on the level of meaning and issue and on the level of style and form, especially in his collection ” Eeries of Silence ” which is a collection of horizontal narrative prose poems, and these recent practices and experiences signify unquestionably aspects of stylistic expression.

Creativity in Martin’s poems depends on achieving his goals with a profound impact on the recipient and on achieving the tremor within him through the pursuit of salvation and revolution on reality and distinct vision, and this is also achieved through stylistic expression; according to a distinct method and a message that cares about the reader. The poems would not have achieved what it had accomplished without shocking method, along with the question of searching for salvation and revolution on the ground. Martin’s poems have taught us that achieving a real and non-repeatable literary personality is that the text is expressed in two expressions, moral and stylistic, and what we see prevalent in most poets is meaningful expression, but they do not approach stylistic expression but rather write according to what the audience wants without attention to the truth that this cannot be real, and even welcomed by official cultural institutions. Rather, there must be two forms of expressionism, moral and stylistic, and this is what was actually provided in Martin’s poetry, which adopted the narrative horizontal prose poems in a distinctive style.

Literary analysis has moved from the middle of the last century to a greater accuracy in terms and concepts, and it is no longer acceptable to speak in broad terms, and stylistic criticism has succeeded, to a large extent, in crossing criticism towards scientific approach, and it became true that we describe the era of literature at the end of the century as the era of scientific literature. Stylistics has made great progress in this regard by presenting objective models and tangible material formulas for literary idea and analytical concepts, and here we will try to shed light on stylistic aspects of expressionism in poetic texts of Nigerian poet Martin Ijir.

In the poem “DUST” Martin says:

(My body dies, my spirit becomes dust then my soul transcends unto pillaging bed of refurbishment. The bequeathed sky above, whistles the work of my hands, bands of life and its enchanting buoying songs I refute to singing; will I recite on the day of my recurrence. I am single out like a simpleton upon a water floating in the sea of silence. My silver cloud turns into melee ice as I melt as dew encountering my first sun.)

We do not need much talk to refer to the expressive moral in the text as he asked for salvation and revolutionary in the title of the text and in each of its sections and the text is charged with the message of alienation and sadness and the request for change.

The poet here relied on stylistic expressions and formulas, including (narrative), as the text was based on the narrative style, and this is a distinction and contrasting to the prevailing poetic writing based on fragmentation even in prose poetry in the free poem. Also, the narrative here was not a storytelling narrative, but rather an expressive narrative with the intent of living and symbolizing and maximizing the energies of language. There is no doubt that (prose poetry), and with this force in which prose manifests itself with its techniques, is a style different from the music and formal harmony in which the prevailing poem is concerned.

In the poem ” ALONE ” he said: ( I traveled through the galaxy, in a chimera wagon, a steamy light appears like the steeds of fogs, poised in a disheveling position, my clogs pores on the shore of hydroponic merriment, this must be home, I longed long for, this must be home, no this is not a home, a voice contradicts my thoughts, I grunt upon him or is it her as they confused my intuition. The path to home is narrowed I learned. Now I am about to finish my learning and long suffering.)

We find another stylistic expressive side, which is (freshness) accompanying a sweet symbolic text and high poetic art, and this also distinguishes and contrasts with the prevalence of the modernist symbolism, which is usually characterized by estrangement, and transcendence. Also, the poet adopted the special vision of things and assets in (expressive and apocalyptic), which is a different method and distinct from the deliberative on which the written rule depends.

In ” Distance Sky ” Martin said: (I saw her stretch wings, with leathery feathers bearing my flavor of silver, so close your distancing appears. As my wings fluttered upon the musk of air, a fingertip that pierces the altar of iceberg tears our conversation. Inside me I reach what’s hidden and awaken the dust that hinders my transcending. I closed my eyes and watched the melting sun decays as dew flowing from tendrils of exaltation, a harmonious power that controls earth, elements and shell of my body.)

The poet intends to a narrative passage that is purely expressive in message and it is a model for literary expression. Such a reduced text filled with questions, appeals, descriptions, alienation and delusions, which ends with an expressive combination of certainty and legend achieves remarkable expressive distinction.

Dr. Anwer Ghani

The Review of Eeries of Silence: A poet with eternal vibes

I came in contact with poet Martin Ijir through his prose poetry though they were fleeting glances. They caught my attention at once but alluded after sometime in flood of poems upon social media. When I perused through his collection of prose poetry “Eeries of Silence“ in much personal mode it was a novel moment for me. Words appeared warm even in winter ,such a catchy choice was there.
In a mischievous moment prose poetry has been defined as “A poetry set at ninety degrees”. It has been written in horizontal block. Blocks compressed traditional verse in such a revoltic way that instead of distortion it got melted away in magical form retaining every essence of poetry except its outer outline though lines were unbreakable. Prose poetry is of varied types like POSTCARD, FACTOID, DEADPAN NARRATIVE AND SURREAL NARRATIVE. Collection “Eeries Of Silence” is not a particular type but it is a beautiful blend of varied hues of prose poems.
In literary stylistic analysis also called New Criticism, the main focus remains entirely on the text ,the words on the page , that are in front of you. Here it is examined how the poet expresses his theme and tone through the stylistic devices like imagery, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, point of view. It simply squeezes all possible juice out of the poem and how they are arranged, without regard to the poet’s life or times.
In the poem “Night“ he says “stuttering clicks of whispering voices foretold how dark souls became when night comes”. His use of imagery is magical, as the pitch of sound ascends in silence at night.
He says “I can decipher her voice like a lady sobbing the loss of her groom“. The Poet’s probing eyes glances so deep. He feels pain at an abstract level.
In the poem “Distance Sky“ he says “one must be blind outside, and be able to see inside the stairs of our soul that one can walk upon the distant sky”. A perfect promulgator of surrealism! The poet has used surreal narrative in a wonderful way as he tells about iceberg tears, glimpses of melting sun with closed eyes, etc.
In the poem ”Dust” he says my body dies, my spirit becomes dust then my soul transcend unto pillaging bed of refurbishment. A metaphysical, vicious cycle of destruction and renovation !
The Poet uses many metaphors, similes, and imagery like in “eternal Ivy” an exalted seat of soul , pearls of gold found in Persian rivers, glamorous rose with whitening effeminate qualities etc.
Overall it could be said that poets has deep philosophical fire burning deep inside . A philosopher is like a dry desert where there is always a lack of limpidity of poetry. But a true poet must always be a philosopher.The Poet’s efficiency depends on how meticulously he hides philosophy in the core of seed and gives a multiple layering of magic which sucks out all dryness in its magical touch .
Poet has proved it indeed !

Dr Pragya Suman
copyright @pragyasuman 28 / 2/ 2020