Category Archives: Injustices

Justice For Ochanya

Please tell them a beast is loosed
its swinging door needs to be lock up
onto the footsteps of its devouring
tactics, its blood flows in their family,
Less they keep devouring others.
Justice for Ochanya is all I need
Let her rape soul gets ripe justice,
in a world where the cup of pains
torn our desire for evilness, Ochanya
needs this, as a deterrence to end
plight of girlhood, if justice isn’t granted
we’re also raped, we will barricade the system
of injustice till those beast are lockup also.
(c) 2018 Martin Ijir


When they shot us from the back
They taught they will paint us white
When they rob us of humanity dignity
They taught we are still slave
As they segregate our mind from theirs
We are still black we can never be white
For love of humanity wears our soul
As we rises as dark nimbus in the sky
we show our creativity with nonviolence
We shall revolt their raunchy behaviour
For love and peace we bring
Our feets shall walk for justice course
Till their injustice fades as dew on grasses
The clock for new resistance has come
It has awakened souls that are resting
in the graveyard of silence
It has occupied our sleeping hearts
As cymbals and thudding trumpets
We will echo truth for humanities course
When the kill #Stephon Clark, they
lit the fire that ocean of waters
Can’t quench, mortals live matters.
(c) Amb Martin Ijir 2018