Category Archives: Black live matters

Camouflage Leaders

Yesterday, souls where injured.
Many mute beings cried.
The injured ones where spit upon
Their bones where grind with boots.
How will democracy ever gets a feet?
Their body language is disgusting.
A mimicry of masses not to weep
Rather they preferred their tears withhold.
As powers collide on umbrella and fronds
My innocent eyes turn-off its chains
To decide where freedom and liberty lies.
How will democracy sailed on the earth?
When camouflaged leaders, maraudes our land.
A big fattened lamb cries for his shepherd
I am a lost thin lamb trying to survive
this bloody forest, where devourers feed
on the masses.
(c) Martin Ijir 2018


When they shot us from the back
They taught they will paint us white
When they rob us of humanity dignity
They taught we are still slave
As they segregate our mind from theirs
We are still black we can never be white
For love of humanity wears our soul
As we rises as dark nimbus in the sky
we show our creativity with nonviolence
We shall revolt their raunchy behaviour
For love and peace we bring
Our feets shall walk for justice course
Till their injustice fades as dew on grasses
The clock for new resistance has come
It has awakened souls that are resting
in the graveyard of silence
It has occupied our sleeping hearts
As cymbals and thudding trumpets
We will echo truth for humanities course
When the kill #Stephon Clark, they
lit the fire that ocean of waters
Can’t quench, mortals live matters.
(c) Amb Martin Ijir 2018