Nelson Mandela: An ill Hero

Nelson Mandela has indeed liberated South Africans from apartheid regime but has not liberated them from the shackles of capitalism. South African working class and peasants are suffering immensely because he sold them to capitalistic approach of the view of the economy. He has imbibe hardship to them as of then till now, and which they will continue to experience until true revolution occurs. He has all the tools to liberate them from economic tussling posed by the few as when he was the president of south African but I wonder why he did not do so according to the blueprint maybe he is suffering from myopia attitude of what his goals are, seen it from rearview. Maybe, the corporations that control the economy of South African back then threaten to imposed financial sanctions through their agents by cutting trade relationship with others foreign countries mostly caucasian who are pulling out back then and deceiving him with financial grants and loans to service the economy. He erred, he could have nationalised all of the company in order to reminisce what they did in the past. Apartheid lesions are so deep, sharpeville wounds are never will never be forgetten then why should he deviate from the masses. He let his emotions to outrun the masses will. If truly, he was a liberator, then the spirit of revolution suppose not to be quench like that of Mao. I wonder why should he be tag a hero when he did not safe the masses from suffering modern day enslavement called capitalism which till now is more of apartheid. A true hero supposed not to bring freedom to the people but to find it among them which is to free them from all ramfication of life; he did the part and left the other to who why? The work of any revolutionary is to execute the revolution. Though he has liberated them but he is an ill hero.

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