Tag Archives: Truth

Gimmick deceptions

Some few men sailed with Columbus nosetruth, pandemic, deception, enough is enough
This time an American covert dealings 
aimed to discover coronary that will make 
Their gourds to filled with euros, yens & mighty dollars
The pounds of the flesh used in the Wuhan laboratory 
Is raw with climate change temperature, aiming to wipe 
humanity’s love, peace and sorrow 
a new genome that will wipe out Africa & third world countries 
Mistakenly they forgot that tropics boils the sun 
Our ebony skin is full of softies so is the softies of our ebony blood 
Some few men sailed across the Wuhan wall 
In icing igloo faced hoodwinked covid 19 was created 
These same men possessed the cure 
When their safe is filled up, cure will come 
They hinder social life and shutdown economies 
These few men have a bunker of raw stash, living in isolation 
Giving termites their loaf of share, and human loaves of covid 19 
They provide humanitarian service as charity 
How could charity works when there is no pandemic? 
How will donor give willingly when the have-nots are not in IDP’s camp?
Luckily enough, covid 19 is meant for the rich 
Soon a cure will come, million of dollars already spreads 
These same men will donate their resources in gimmick deception 
To lure many into their eeries of silence 
I am hiding in my room afraid to be victimized
Though weeping knocks at night, joy opens the door at day
When you see these men mauled them with fangs of laughter
(c) 2020 Martin Ijir